Matthew Akinloye

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Name Matthew Akinloye Occupation Full stack Web/Mobile App dev

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Well, if we were to describe my frontend skills as a dish, it would be a delightful fusion cuisine! Picture a base layer of HTML, the trusty foundation that's as essential as a good pair of socks. Sprinkle in some CSS for that fancy garnish – because who doesn't love a well-dressed webpage? And then, there's JavaScript and TypeScript, my dynamic duo, always ready to jazz up the party with their witty interactions. But wait, there's more! I've dabbled in the exotic arts of Angular, a bit like becoming the Indiana Jones of frontend development, navigating ancient temples of code. And for that extra zing, a hint of React – like the elusive spice that only the bravest dare to master. With a year of experience under my belt, I'm like the Iron Chef of the frontend world, whipping up delicious web experiences. And when it comes to mobile, I've got Ionic, the secret sauce for creating apps that sizzle! So, if you're looking for someone who can turn your frontend into a five-star feast of interactivity and style, look no further. I'm your culinary coder, ready to spice up the web, one pixel at a time – with a side of laughter and adventure! 🍽️💻😄

Ah, the dark and mysterious realm of backend development, where code slumbers in the shadows, waiting to be summoned! In my arsenal, I wield Python like a sorcerer, casting spells with Flask, weaving webs of logic and enchantment. PHP, the misunderstood antihero, enters the scene, adding its own cryptic charm to the backend saga. As for databases, I've danced with the demons of MySQL and PostgreSQL, taming their data-beasts with cunning queries. But beware, for in the darkest corners of the server, I've harnessed the ancient powers of Redis – a mystical key-value store that can resurrect your data in the blink of an eye. And let us not forget the cloud-dwellers, Firebase and Firestore, lurking in the ethereal planes of serverless architecture. They may appear innocent, but they hold secrets and data in the cloud's nebulous embrace, awaiting my command. So, if you seek a backend developer who can traverse the abyss of data and conjure functionality from the shadows, I am your digital necromancer. I'll make sure your applications rise from the crypt with eerie efficiency and a wicked sense of humor! 💀💻😈

Website full details

Cloudforte is a cutting-edge AI logistics SaaS platform that empowers businesses to optimize their supply chain operations using advanced artificial intelligence. With Cloudforte, users can harness the power of AI for various logistics applications, such as semantic search, recommendations, security solutions like anomaly and fraud detection, personalization, analytics, and data management. The platform offers ultra-low query latency, live index updates, and powerful vector search capabilities to ensure a seamless and efficient user experience. Cloudforte is fully managed, scalable, and integrates seamlessly with other AI tools like Hugging Face and LangChain. It provides a hassle-free solution for businesses to enhance their logistics operations, streamline decision-making, and improve overall efficiency. Whether you're looking to optimize your supply chain, detect anomalies, or personalize recommendations, Cloudforte offers a developer-friendly and secure solution to transform your logistics processes. Go to Cloudforte

More insight on Crown74

Crown74 is a Nigeria-based travel agency website that offers a wide range of expertly curated travel packages and visa services for destinations worldwide. Their goal is to make international travel accessible and affordable while ensuring a safe and hassle-free experience for travelers. Whether you're looking to explore vibrant cities, natural wonders, or cultural treasures, Crown74 provides options for various travel purposes. Check out Crown74

Who is Matthew ?

Hey there! I'm Matthew, your friendly neighborhood web and mobile app developer with a penchant for continuous learning and improvement. As a self-proclaimed coding enthusiast since my early days, I've always found the digital world fascinating, especially when no one around me was delving into it. Currently, I'm proudly donning my developer cape at Octavia Security, where I'm part of the team responsible for crafting the fantastic DNI security app. When I'm not ensuring the safety of the digital realm, I moonlight as a tutor, sharing my coding wisdom with those eager to embark on their own digital adventures. Beyond the world of coding, I have a secret creative side – I dabble in graphic design, adding a touch of aesthetic magic to my projects. In my ever-expanding toolkit, you'll find HTML, CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, and PHP. I'm not just a language collector; I also wield frameworks like Angular and Flask to craft seamless web and mobile experiences. So, if you're looking for a developer who's not just passionate about code but also delivers it with a side of wit, humor, and expressiveness, you've found your guy! Let's create some digital magic together ❤️🚀.

Mobile Apps

Though my journey in mobile app development might be relatively short, I've been on a rocket-fueled trajectory. Armed with the dynamic duo of Ionic (Angular) and the magical Capacitor, I've been crafting mobile apps that seamlessly blend the web and native experiences. While I may be a newcomer to the mobile app scene, my portfolio speaks volumes. I've conjured up apps that are as diverse as they are impressive. From sleek e-commerce solutions to engaging social platforms, I've dipped my fingers into the digital cauldron, brewing up experiences that users love. But what makes my approach truly unique is my passion for bridging the gap between the web and native worlds. With Ionic and Capacitor as my trusty wand and spellbook, I've transformed web apps into native-friendly enchantments. The result? Apps that not only function flawlessly but also feel right at home on users' devices. So, while I may be a newcomer to the mobile app development arena, I'm far from a novice. I'm the sorcerer's apprentice, ready to weave code into captivating mobile experiences. With each project, I'm not just building apps; I'm crafting digital adventures that users won't forget.

What is Creativity?

Creativity is the spark that ignites innovation and brings imagination to life. It's the art of turning abstract ideas into tangible, meaningful creations. To me, creativity is not just about artistic expression; it's a way of thinking and problem-solving. As a web and mobile app developer, my journey in the world of technology has shown me that creativity isn't limited to the canvas or stage. It's a crucial element in crafting intuitive user interfaces, designing captivating user experiences, and finding innovative solutions to complex problems. Creativity, in my realm, means looking beyond the lines of code and frameworks. It's about finding unconventional paths to create elegant and efficient solutions. Whether it's designing an eye-catching app interface or devising an out-of-the-box feature, creativity is the driving force that propels me forward. In essence, creativity is the thread that weaves the tapestry of my work. It's the imagination, innovation, and dedication I pour into every project. It's the ability to see the potential for magic in every line of code and to transform ideas into digital reality. So, when I'm asked what creativity is, I answer: It's the lifeblood of my work, the essence of my passion, and the secret ingredient that makes each project uniquely mine.

Certifications in Cybersecurity

As a passionate tech enthusiast, I've embraced the world of cybersecurity as a side endeavor. My journey includes a collection of Cisco certifications that have allowed me to explore and understand the fundamentals of this ever-evolving field: Endpoint Security: This certification has equipped me with knowledge about safeguarding network endpoints, which is essential for protecting digital assets. Network Defense: I've gained insights into fortifying networks and ensuring data integrity, a vital aspect of maintaining a secure digital environment. Cyber Threat Management: My certification in Cyber Threat Management has introduced me to the world of identifying, analyzing, and mitigating digital threats. Cybersecurity Essentials: This certification has provided a foundational understanding of cybersecurity principles, allowing me to navigate the digital landscape more confidently. Introduction to Cybersecurity: My journey began with this introductory certification, where I learned the basics of cybersecurity and its significance in the modern world. While I don't consider myself an expert, these certifications represent my curiosity and commitment to enhancing my knowledge in cybersecurity. They reflect my willingness to explore new horizons and contribute to the ever-growing need for digital security in today's interconnected world.

My Socials

You can reach out to me in various ways like : Instagram, Twitter or "X". The best way to reach me is on whatsapp.

Thanks to @Codrops and Divi